Cat Dental Health
April 15, 2022

Today I’d like to talk a little bit about cat Dental health. I was lucky enough to adopt a cat back in 2015, she was about two or three years old. She is absolutely the best cat I’ve ever known. She follows me around like a puppy dog. Any time I sit down she’s right up on my lap. She is my sunshine every day!

I began noticing how bad her breath was, she had the worst breath ever. I took her to the vet who gave me some very disturbing news.

My poor cat had a condition called feline tooth resorption, which is very painful, and her condition was really advanced. The disease is quite common, it can affect nearly 60% of all cats. It is best if it’s detected in the early stages. I was able to see pictures of this dental disease and it looks like the teeth are trying to come through the gums, but actually the teeth are being absorbed by the body. It’s like they are dissolving from the inside, starting at the roots.

Needless to say my cat went in for dental surgery. She had already lost 3 teeth and had to have 6 more pulled. And just like people, cat dental work is very expensive. She came through the surgery very well. And she eats like she still has all of her teeth.

I recommend to anyone considering adopting a cat or a kitten, be prepared to brush your cats teeth every day. With a kitten it’s a lot easier to get them used to having their teeth brushed. It’s not as easy with older cats.

Tip of the day: Remember when choosing your next companion, especially if you choose an older cat, be sure and smell their breath first!

Have a purrfect day!


How to make brushing your cats teeth hassle free.